Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Thats No Balloon!

I think I was about 5 when I saw Star Wars for the first time and I was hooked.  I remember getting a Rancor for Christmas the year Return of the Jedi came out which was 1983. When we had my daughter I promised that I would be one of the "cool" dads but where do you start. On one hand, I don't want to ruin anything for her by showing it too early but on the other, I don't want her to be the only person at school who doesn't know who Chewbacca is.
I remember watching a YouTube video awhile ago about a father showing his kids Star wars for the first time and how priceless the look on their faces were when Darth Vader's identity was revealed. Although I must have been four years old at the time, I distinctly remember seeing ESB on the big screen and being blown away at the reveal. I would be pretty upset if we watched it and she didnt even know what was going on.

Anyways, that was the inspiration for this weeks fridge decal. A long time ago, In a galaxy far, far away it was a simpler time. Three young explorers took a school trip to the Alderaan Zoo to visit everything it had to offer but wait what's that?!? Someone lost their balloon..... That's No Balloon!

The scribblings of a madman!

 So happy with this one. I got to a point where I couldn't do anymore and past it off to a professional.  This was a collaboration with Reddit u/SeaLurker.

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